It's been a while, but I have been on vacation. I'll try to remember what I did the week before I left for warmer climes, but no promises...
I finished on the Monday. Tuesday was graduation, so my services were not required. I had shown an interest in going to their graduation, but was reminded of how exciting my own graduation ceremony was. And that was in English. So I opted to make better use of my time.
I did th
I got on a rickety bus down to Suwon, which only took about half
But there was one attraction that was a must for me, as a supporter (and former employee) of Man Utd. Suwon is where Korea's most famous sporting son, Park Ji-Sung, was born and raised. The whole of Korea adores him, but they take it a stage further in his hometown. They named a road after him. No joke. I simply had to find this place.
The weather was putting a bit of a dampener on my mood, however. It was the first time in a long time that it had been warm enough to rain. And boy did it rain. If I hadn't been so captivated by the idea of Park Ji-Sung Road then I wouldn't have left my flat. Atrocious conditions that almost made me wish for yet more snow. Almost...
My first port of call was the World Cup Stadium, as I figured that was something I could see
So I get off a more local bus outside the Suwon stadium. It's quite big, around 45,000 in capacity. It looks odd as well, with bits sticking out in random places, but is initially impressive. Whether they ever fill the thing now is questionable, but Korea's best club side, the Suwon Samsung Bluewings, play there. I'll probably drag myself down to a game at some point. Especially as Stevo said you can take your own alcohol in. Game on.
I walk around the stadium, with the intention of finding a way to get in, be it legally or through other means. I don't condone trespassing and breaking and entering as activities, but I've done it before for football stadia in Europe (Zagreb comes to mind, but that time I feel I was putting my life at risk) and didn't get caught, so was hoping to keep this record intact.
The other reason I was looking for a way to sneak in was because I couldn't actually find an entrace. As I was walking around a small Korean boy walked past me with his mum, and turned around and waved. I waved back with a smile, and a huge grin lit up his face. Cute. Still no entrace, so I started trying to undo the gates and slide them apart. That was proof that I need to use the gym more. I then started asking people, and the third man pointed to the floor. Strange. He then pointed away from the stadium. I turned and saw a car park. On a lower level than the one I was stood on. I then looked back into the stadium, and realised that I was quite a way above pitch level. I have my moments, I know.
So I thank the man and head down onto the car park level, where sure enough there was an entrance to the stadium and a museum. I had to pay 1000W to get in. Note to British sports teams that charge a small fortune - that's 50p. I paid 50p to get into and look around a World Cup stadium. Unsurprisingly, as all other people in Korea were in work, I was the only person there. The woman at the desk, wanting to practice her English, took advantage of this to offer me a free tour, which I gladly accepted. Her English was pretty good, and she was cute as well, which always helps. She explained to me that the stadium was in the shape of a bird, which can be understood if you see it from the air, but certainly not if you're walking up to it.
Park doesn't just have a road in Suwon. Within the stadium's museum he has his own se
The rain was not relenting, so I headed back to the station to get some food before making a decision on the fortress. In the supermarket there were lots of food stalls, and I decided to sit down at one of them. I've been told that Koreans find it strange if people eat on their own in restaurants, but this doesn't extend to the food booths in supermarkets. The menu is in Hangul with no translation, so I do the logical thing and choose one by pointing and saying 'this please' in Korean. Maybe I should learn basic food stuff.
The woman I was gesticulating to knew one English phrase, which she then repeated to me. A lot. 'Very hot', she says. 'Very very hot'. I gobble up the hot stuff, so said 'bring it on' to her. Might teach that phrase to my kids at some point, as she had no clue, but she started making it for me.
It was noodles with beansprouts and chicken in the hot pepper paste they adore out here. Actually the kind of thing I cook when I'm hungry in the flat. But I make it with one difference. My noodles are hot. Their noodles were cold. As if they had been in a fridge. An odd taste sensation, that. It was reasonably hot, and the woman laughed when she saw me clearing my nose at one point. I gave her a bit of banter, telling her it was cold, but was only digging myself a bigger hole each time she walked to see a tissue on my nose. I still maintain that it wasn't actually that hot, but maybe my sinuses needed a clearout, and this was providing it.
I went to the bottom of the fortress' wall, and decided that the weather was too miserable. The
I'm trying to make these shorter so will write up the rest of that week later on.
Love you all
Hey! Did you manage to find Park-Ji-Sung Road in the end? Will really appreciate any available information you can provide as there is very little English information on Park-Ji-Sung Road on the web, I'm planning to drop a visit to Suwon this coming May. Looking forward to your reply! Thanks and have a good day!