Whilst there I starting speaking to the millionth Swedish guy in Thailand, called Rasmus. I asked him whether anyone was left in Sweden, and why of all the places they had created Little Stockholm in Thailand. He said that there is an exchange scheme in place, where Swedish students can 'study' in Thailand for five months, and the government will give them a loan to cover it. I think that such an agreement would be very popular in Britain, especially if armed with the knowledge that Rasmus had been out just about every night he had been away. He had studied a little bit: he told me there were 66 letters in the Thai alphabet, and 5 tones for each. Not so easy to pick up.
After passing on the bong that was being passed around, partly due to the length of the jail
After the disaster of Tuesday, we went heavy on the sun cream. I've never used factor 50 before in my life, and felt as if I was dying a little inside each time I applied it to a part of my body, but it had to be done. About an hour on the boat and we were at our first location, just off Ko Rok Nok. I have snorkelled before in Cyprus, so I knew the basics. This was good, as they weren't bothered about giving instructions. I knew the key was to breathe through your mouth, and forget about the unnatural fact that you are chomping on plastic for an extended period of time.
I began to get concerned that I had forgotten how to snorkle when water kept flying down my throat for the first five minutes. Turns out it was just a duff mask, and I was soon able to
After the second stop we docked on Ko Rok Nok and had lunch. We ate in very close proximity to a group of komodo dragons, each being almost 5 feet long. Joe had told us about these and called them lizards. Awfully big for a lizard. Their tongues were purple, which I found fascinating. We had a fair amount of time on our hands, so Kelly dragged me away from eyeing up girls with Jerome to hike around the island. We made the same mistake that we made on Railay, and were soon hiking up a very steep path. At least we had a bit more energy this time. Besides, the view from the top was sick, so it was worth the physical effort.
So the other way to approach this was to walk on the rocks in the sea. They were wet, so cooler, but also very slippery. I got about five metres before realising how treacherous this method was for me and my camera, so just accepted that my feet were going to feel a bit cooked and hot-footed it around until I found the beach. Kelly was there, and wasn't overly happy. She had left her camera on the side to take a dip in the sea, and a freak wave came over and covered it. The shutter wouldn't close, and it wouldn't turn on. Nightmare.
We got back and people went for their various massages. Thinking that another Thai massage wasn't in my best interests, I looked at the board, and noticed they did hair braiding. It's important to note at this juncture that Kelly and I had had a joke running throughout the week. Basically, it was me saying I would do something stupid (get a ladyboy, get dreadlocks) and her saying she would disown me. Normal stuff. However, I can be the kind of person that actually pushes on and does these things. Well, not the ladyboy one anyway.
I ask about the price of the braids. They offer me a haircut. I point at the phrase 'HAIR BRAIDING' on their board. They again offer me a haircut. It's not until I get Rok to talk to
I say to her that I want between 5 and 10 braids. I don't really know what I was expecting. Something that looked like Jono's hair, probably, but on a smaller scale. She says it is 20 baht for each braid, so it sounds like decent value. How long will it take? 2 hours, she says. I grab my Sudoku book and we get started, sat in a chair overlooking the beach. Pristine.
3 hours have passed. The sun is getting close to setting. Others in the complex are coming over to see what is happening. It's turning into quite the event, and if I didn't get stared at every time I am in public in Korea I would have found it to be a new and strange experience. Eventually, she puts her gear down. Finished! She then starts fiddling with her phone, and finds the calculator. She types in 79, and then multiplies it by 20. Aah, amateur mistake. She's pressed the 7 instead of the 1. 19 braids, not too bad I guess. That's just under 400 baht, so about £8 for three-and-a-half hours work. But she doesn't seem to have realised. She shows me the result of her equation - 1580 baht. Good one.
She counts them off again, and again types in 79. Strange. Joe comes over, and I ask him how many there are, saying that I wanted between five and ten. He laughs and walks off. I summon Kelly over, who then tells me to accept 79 as it is probably more than that. I imagine this is the point where my face would have gone white were it not sunburnt. Are they serious?? That's
Then I see it in the mirror. Wow. It looked awesome. At that point the money didn't matter. It actually worked! I went back and negotiated, and got her down to 1300 or so, I can't remember exactly, but she had been working on it for such a long time that to barter any more would have been a crime. She even wanted to take a picture of it to show her kids. Adorable.
I checked the internet at this point. I had allowed myself to be cut off until the Thursday, when the desire to actually be connected to the world became quite strong. Mainly to send an email to my parents telling them I was in a hammock on the beach drinking one of many coconut milkshakes. Jealous? I had received a message from Lexie, from the plane over to Bangkok, saying that they were also on Ko Lanta! I figured I would go say hi and see if they wanted to go out, as they were staying at the beach which had more of a party vibe to it. As we were leaving at 8am the following day to go to Ko Phi Phi, Kelly opted to stay local.
There was every chance that this would end in failure. Would they have seen the message? Would they already have gone out? I wasn't bothered, I was quite keen on seeing Long Beach anyway, so I grabbed myself a tuk tuk, though only after asking Rok what would constitute a reasonable price. A guy picked me up. He took me about 50 metres before telling me to get out. Strange. He told me that he only drove around the south of the island, so the tuk tuk now parked next to him would take me on. I wasn't suspicious; only disgusted at the giant 'Liverpool F.C.' lettering on the seat. I got in, and the man told me that he was waiting for two customers to come back, then we could go together.
A couple of minutes later, a blonde girl stumbles over and falls onto the seat. She looks at me, tells me my hair is nice, and then introduces herself. Her name was Clementine. Maybe her parents like small oranges. Better than being called satsuma, I guess. She was annoyed because she had lost her wallet, which her friend was looking for. He returned without finding it, so we were soon on our way. They were a funny pair, with the girl's attempt of a Welsh accent being particularly shocking. They hopped out, and a couple of minutes later we were at the bungalow complex where Ashley, Lexie and Chris were staying.
Finding their hut was difficult. Finding it and noticing how quiet and dark it was didn't fill me with optimism. Still, I had come this far, I may as well knock on the door. 'Hello?' It's a girl's voice. Bear in mind that we had only spoken to them for a few hours, and a reasonable period of time ago. I had a 50% shot. 'Is that Ashley?' 'No'. Ergh. Lexie comes to the door. She was in bed, which made me feel slightly bad, but we chatted for a while. A Dutch guy walks past and asks us where is good to go out. I tell him that I will go with him, and soon say my goodbyes to Lexie. It sounded like they had done a similar route to us, and that they were having a great time. Very nice people.
This guy was called Vee. Something like that, anyway. We followed the loud music, and arrived at an open-air bar/club. There were two people - a bouncer and a waiter. Maybe later? We head nextdoor to a bar, and chat for a while. He also tells me about the Thai mafia thing. He had been travelling for 14 months, which was very impressive, and wasn't planning on stopping for a long time. My new idol, perhaps. After a while he wanted to go somewhere more energised, so he asked where to go, and was told a place called Sunset Bar. He then told a tuk tuk driver, who took us to said bar. It was deserted. Hmm.
At this point I decided it was in my interests to head back, so accompanied by four new people he drove along. They all got off at the bar we had vacated, and I was tempted to join them as they were cool people, but it was gone 2.30 at this point. My man drives back, and then tells me that it will cost 280. He'd said 200, but had forgotten to add on our journey to Sunset Bar. On my own, slightly drunk, on a part of the island foreign to me, at night, in a tuk tuk - I wasn't in a position to negotiate, and I wasn't stupid enough to force the issue. I needed water, so got him to stop at a nearby 7-11, and gave him 300. He then told me he didn't have change. Not a fan of this attempt of a con. I start arguing with him, and carry on arguing until he snaps and goes into 7-11, buys some cigarettes and gets change for me. He pretty much drops the money into my hand and storms off. The moral highground is a wonderful place.
Compared to other days on Ko Lanta, the final one was fairly eventful. It was slowly dawning on us that we now only had one full day left, before flying on the Sunday. If we had the option, we would have stayed for longer, I'm sure. Ko Lanta is one of the most peaceful, most idyllic, most tranquil and most beautiful places I will ever see in my lifetime. If you get the chance, you have to go. Simple as that.
Love you all
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